Nicole McLaughlin & Unconventional Fashion

Nicole McLaughlin is an NYC based designer who focuses on the ever-changing exploration of sustainable fashion. She has taken upcyling to another level by turning unexpected materials like legos, bread, and toothpaste into wearable garments. Although some of her creations may be impractical, they are still a unique example of thinking outside the box when it comes to putting everyday items to use.

Nicole's translations of regular materials into artwork allows her to highlight her key message of sustainability and has offered an important perspective about waste and sustainable design. She focuses on workshops, which are her globally held exercises that help people realize the possibilities of existing items and connect people of a likeminded community. She is currently developing a non-profit organization that provides design resources to young people, and connects large companies with overstock materials to schools and universities in need.

Nicole's handmade cargo zip-off pants made from extra Chipotle napkins.

A functional bikini set made of camera cases.

Yummy gummy shorts.

A sturdy and organized tool hat.

Nicole's wallet pants eliminate the need for a purse.

As someone who likes to upcycle and prioritizes sustainability myself, I find her work very inspirational. I think she has such unique ideas that set her apart from every other influencer, having a diverse and innovative portfolio that I often look at when I am in need of inspiration for my next project. I have yet to see someone whose creations are as unorthodox as hers and I think her influence will only continue to grow from here.



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